Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dessert is Served

Well I had surgery 6 days ago on my leg and today was the first day that I finally felt better. So to celebrate I made dinner, a nice tomato and avocado salad and some wonderful cupcakes!

The cupcakes were made with whole wheat flour, brown sugar and applesauce instead of white flour, white sugar and oil. So my guilt while eating them wasn't as heavy! I'm not a big fan of frosting but my butter cream turned out just right.

Delicious cupcakes, bright yellow frosting with chocolate drizzle added the right touch to complete a wonderful day.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Bake or Not To Bake?

THAT is the question on my birthday evening. I am thinking about perhaps baking some yummy cupcakes for work but more importantly for the teachers at my sons school. This week is Teachers Appreciation Week and they definately deserve some Bellisima Delights from yours truly. They put in extremely long and hours at North Star Academy, and are very dedicated to each of the students education.

I will keep you updated and let you know if they will get treats tomorrow or on Friday.

PS Sorry Mr P no sweet potato pie this time

UPDATE: I didn't make the cupcakes in time for Teachers Appreciation week since I had surgery later in the week. I did make 24 cupcake this week and sent them to school to show my appreciation even though they were late. Half were chocolate and the other half were vanialla stuffed with chocolate pudding. Hope they enjoyed the treats :)