Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stormy Treats

I've been meaning to make homemade treats for Storm this whole summer, but who REALLY wants to turn that oven on?!?! Well my cousin Ali was taking a road trip to FL and making a stop at our cousins house in NC, and she has four doggies! Two of them are Boxers, Hailey Rose and Bud, they are the cutest and coziest. I spent some time with them in July. I love bully breeds! So, me being the thoughtful individual that I am, I decided to send Ali with some goodies.

Hailey Rose & Bud

Storm absolutley LOVES them and sits in front of the oven as they bake. She doesn't care to wait for them to cool either, sounds very familiar haha. She has a large container full, so I saved CASH MONEY and made her and the NC doggies happy with peanut butter chicken treats.